Monday, June 19, 2006

The Wright and Wrong Report: I Apologize

Dear 2006 version of the Mets,

I am sorry.

I'm sorry that I didn't realize that my viewing support was what was needed to keep your winning streak going. I foolish expected no resistance from the Baltimore Orioles and figured my presence in front of the TV (or my mini radio tuned to WFAN) was not needed Friday or Saturday. Those nights I decided to take in some culture the Tri-State area had to offer -- Friday it was The Figgs in Hoboken, where I got to hang out with Jason from Faith and Fear for the first time (we did talk about you after the great rock show, I swear); Saturday it was a series of six one act plays in the hottest theater in Brooklyn. I'm sure the pain I felt Saturday was transmitted to you guys as Kris Benson had his revenge.

As you can probably guess, I was able to watch Sunday. You're welcome David "Grand Salami" Wright. And I promise to watch tonight, in a game that is blessedly not that infernal interleague crap.

Lastly, I am glad that my two days of ignorance didn't cost anything of that 9 1/2 game lead. One question however--is it okay that I root for the Phils tonight against the Evil Empire? Please let me know.

Your fan,


PS: Can I see the ball up the shirt play again?

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